Wednesday, January 21, 2015

When a mother does her best to educate herself and acquire the tools she needs to have the best possible birth experience it is then her privilege to find fulfillment and joy in whatever the outcome may be. This allows her to be free of any regret, knowing she did all she could and that her journey is beautiful and unique. She can feel empowered to go forth with those experiences to share with others and join the sisterhood of women supporting each other in all types of different ways around the world.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Your womb is a magnificent vessel of creative power not only physically but also spiritually, artistically, emotionally and energetically. If you want to unlock more of your abundant, radiant, healing creative power in your life, to enhance your unique talents, you must get back in touch with your sacred womb space! Your moon time (period) must be honored, respected and a time of receiving wisdom filled introspect and self awareness. We have forgotten our ancient wisdom in this modern society and how to truly connect with our feminine gifts. Birth can be a powerfully awakening initiation into your womanhood and rediscovering all that lies within. Remember all I can do as a doula is help you to reawaken to the truths you already know. If your birthing years have past yet you still long to connect with your womb space, let me know. There are many wonderfully healing, self nurturing and enlightening ways to discover your creative womb wisdom. Photo credit-unknown.PACHAMAMADOULA.COM

Sunday, January 11, 2015

The steady support of a women to another women in birth is unmatched. Doulas are trained professional birth support. Awakening and empowering your divine feminine though conscious, blissful birth is what I do. Education, advocacy, physical, mental, emotional support and the ancient tools of women's healing arts are all avenues to a peaceful, empowered