About Rachelle:
Rachelle is a birth doula, circles of sisterhood
facilitator, shamanic journey drummer, and advocate of holistic conscious
birth, lifestyles, and community.
She has studied shamanism and alternative healing on a
six-month journey in the Andes Mountains of Peru. Her healing and profound
lessons learned in the past 5 years has inspired much of what she teaches now
about regaining your true feminine power, awakening your natural feminine
rhythms of womanhood, conscious birth and connecting with mother earth.
About the workshop:
This workshop is a beautiful way to connect with sisters in
our community in a healing, sacred and safe space. In this workshop we weave
together our intentions and create a sacred circle of sisterhood where we will
begin to explore aspects of ancient women’s healing arts, shamanic birth,
awakening your inner birthing goddess, drum journeying and more! Once you have
completed your workshop you will be invited to join the growing community of
awakened goddesses sharing, supporting, and holding that same weaved intention
for each other in our Facebook group! This way your connection to the sisters
in the circle has a place to continue blossoming and growing! I’m so grateful
and honored to share this space with all of you as we come together, empowering
each other and healing the fear around birth in our culture! This workshop will
awaken strengths within yourself that will surly be of much use to you on your
journey. My hope is that each one of you takes what you have gained and further
inspire the women in your own lives as well. May the web of sisterhood expand
touching the lives of women everywhere!
"In the workshop I teach about the natural ability to reach altered states of conscious awareness through the process of birth. The rhythmic/shamanic beat of the drum is a tool to support you in going deeper into the birth trance. It deepens your meditative state, accesses higher states of consciousness, deepens realizations, and supports a peaceful birth. In the workshop we focus on the importance of awakening to the sisterhood that has been long lost in many ways today. Together we end up having a very deep connection and offer support in our sacred circle through the rest of our pregnancies and postpartum journey. We use ancient tools of birth such as singing, dancing, toning/chanting, drumming, learn about how to have a shamanic birth, create your own birth ceremony, and participate in ancient rituals that reconnect us to mother earth; Pachamama. In addition I'm available to hols sacred shamanic space through drumming at your birth if you so choose. I encourage personal drum journey sessions throughout pregnancy as you feel inspired. Journeying in pregnancy is very healing and empowering, just as it has been proven to be for anyone seeking healing and guidance. As a woman practices going into this deep state through drum journeys and brain wave entrainment, she is preparing her mind and body for doing the same powerful things during labor and birth. Click HERE for more on why I drum for birth. " -Rachelle Davis
Testimonials by women
who have attended the workshop:
“This was an amazing workshop!!! If you have a
chance to attend any classes, events, workshops, doula services or just be
in Rachelle Davis’s
presence, consider yourself fortunate! This woman is one of the most loving,
amazing, soulful, healing goddesses I have had the honor to have learnt from!”
“Such a tender experience to feel secure in
expressing my vulnerabilities and fears. I felt supported and a sense of
awakening to what my capabilities are ! The drumming really relaxed me and the
beat reassured me of that unity between mother and child inside. I overall felt
empowered to something inside of me I've never yet known for myself. It was an
overall awakening to whats real and natural. Thank you Rachelle Davis-doula for
having the courage enough to share your passion.”

Testimonials by women
who have attended the workshop:

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