Peruvian Influence:
Much of what I incorporate into my roll as a professional birth companion for women and families was enhanced and learned during a 6 month trip that my family and I took to the Andes mountain range of Peru that encompassed a natural healing exploration for me and my husband. You can read more about that journey Here ~ A spirit quest of selling all we own, moving to Peru with our three kids and documenting the adventure.There, in the Sacred Valley Peru, we learned some ancient indigenous ways of living, healing, rebirthing and honoring the life cycle of the feminine.
I deepened my understanding that through birth we have the profound opportunity to bring souls into the world in a peaceful way that sets the foundation for feeling safe and supported on this earthy plain. I learned that birth, for the mother, is a transformative pilgrimage into depths of strength, love, and consciousness greater than ever before. The state of childbirth is a shamanic journey of the soul for the mother and her newborn child that effects of which last a lifetime. During the beautiful process of birth women enter an alternate state of consciousness. For thousands of years midwives and birthing mothers have engaged in the shamanic practices of drumming, toning, dance, and meditation to bolster a blissful trance during labor.
Shamanic midwifery promotes the deepening of this meditative state through practices that create natural euphoria. Drumming and meditation can transform our awareness by shifting our consciousness into an enhanced state of peace and perception.
The elevated existential plane reached in birth is a tool by which precious new life can arrive on this earth with an infinite potential to expand communal consciousness and find solutions to the difficulties humanity faces. Conscious birth that utilizes the arts of doula work and ancient midwifery can be a remarkably gratifying passage into a state of superior physical and spiritual health for mothers, babies, and families.
I must see and understand your state of being and then be able to give you the encouragement you need and when you need it by reminding you of the immense strength you have within to accomplish your goals. I do my best to make sure anyone entering the birthing space is holding the same positive and productive frequency in order to prevent disruptions to the mother’s inner trance or concentration. I maintain awareness of everything going on around the mother to make sure that it adds to her comfort and doesn’t undermine it. This depth of awareness empowers you to birth as freely as you want; to surrender to your inner birthing goddess, Pachamama; and allow yourself to be as primal as you need as the process unfolds.
I see birth as a ceremony of life. Treating it as a ceremony by honoring the natural circular rhythm of labor allows us to embrace the spiritual aspects and enhance your ability to reach higher states of consciousness. While I help you navigate the transformative journey of pregnancy and birth you will be empowered to create a blissful birth experience for you, your partner, and baby.
Birth Philosophy:

My goal is to hold peaceful, empowering space for the mother and partner that they may find a deep inner connection to each other and the birthing experience together. I aim to make sure that, through birth, both partner and mother feel powerfully connected to each other and therefore can shed that beautiful light of safety, love, and connectedness onto their new baby.
I have a plan to help every mother feel cared for, loved, supported, validated, and left with a sense of joy with whatever type of birth takes place.
I've learned that this life is a progressive learning journey individualized for the specific growth of each person. Whatever that person’s journey may bring is the perfect growing and learning experience for them at that time. We shouldn't waste energy trying to force our will on any situation in life. We just put our best foot forward with the tools we have and let the rest flow in the way its meant to unfold. We should allow ourselves to feel and see the beauty and gifts in every situation and birth outcome.
When a mother does her best to educate herself and acquire the tools she needs to have the best possible birth experience it is then her privilege to find fulfillment and joy in whatever the outcome may be. This allows her to be free of any regret, knowing she did all she could and that her journey is beautiful and unique. She can feel empowered to go forth with those experiences to share with others and join the sisterhood of women supporting each other in all types of different ways around the world.
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